Would you like to be informed about the latest topics? You can find plenty of tips, tricks and suggestions for heating and saving energy on our Windhager blog.
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Heating correctly and energy efficiency not only provide a comfortable room environment, but also reduce environmental pollution and the pressure on your budget by helping you save energy.
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Switch from oil to pellets now. So don’t leave it too late and replace your old heating system in good time. It’s worth modernising!
Make the switch now
There are many good reasons for heating with pellets. You can find out everything you need to know about the fuel, its production and storage here.
More on heating with pellets
Heating with wood chips has many advantages: The wood fuel is CO2-neutral, produced domestically and resilient to global crises.
More about heating with wood chips
Wood is stored solar energy! Wood is not just an economical solution, it’s also excellent for the environment. Wood is CO2-neutral and therefore helps to protect our climate.
More about heating with split logs