Wood chip heating system and wood chip storage on ground level:
Direct filling of storage room, transport to wood chip boiler via auger

Wood chip boiler in the basement and wood chip storage on ground level:
Direct filling of storage room, link to wood chip boiler via down pipe

Wood chip boiler in the basement, wood chip storage in mezzanine:
Horizontal discharge agitation to the wood chip boiler

Wood chip boiler and wood chip storage in the basement – variant 1:
Filling of storage room via ceiling-mounted filling auger, transport to wood chip boiler via auger

Wood chip boiler and wood chips in the basement – variant 2:
Filling of storage room via ceiling opening, transport to wood chip boiler via auger
PuroWIN Cascade
Excellent output with wood chips
The PuroWIN boiler series is also available in 72 kW, 83 kW, 99 kW and 103 kW models. All PuroWIN models will run on wood chips (size P16S and P31S) and can be connected to create extremely efficient cascades comprising up to four boilers.
The PuroWIN can be connected to two-unit, three-unit and four-unit cascade systems, covering heating requirements up to 400 kW. In addition, a gas-fired peak load or back-up boiler can be incorporated, for example.
Specially developed by Windhager, the cascade regulation system constantly checks how many boilers as well as which ones need to be in operation to provide the required amount of heat. Balanced utilisation of the system is also ensured by checking the operating times. Thanks to its considerable modulation depth, the PuroWIN cascade operates highly efficiently at a lower output range, too.
Reliable heating
In comparison to a large boiler system, a cascade system is extremely reliable: if one unit fails to heat, you can continue heating normally with the second unit. And service work can be carried out without having to switch off the heating.
Draws wood chip around corners
The PuroWIN is the first wood chip boiler that can draw in the fuel as standard - and is the only one of its kind in the world. Our low-wear and low-maintenance suction system gives you total flexibility.
Transport distances of up to 25 m in length and 7 m high can be handled with ease by the Windhager suction system. It doesn't matter whether the wood chip is to be transported to the boiler in a straight line or round bends. This means you can easily store fuel in another building, for example.
Only the PuroWIN offers this level of flexibility.
The PuroWIN...
delivers maximum operating reliability, not just for the wood chip boiler itself, but also for the discharge agitation system.
The auger for all scenarios
For the PuroWIN, we have developed an unusual safety auger channel with Side Slide Technology (SST). Depending on fuel, up to 60 percent of the wood chip is transported to the side of the auger rather than directly into it. Both foreign bodies and large pieces of wood can cause virtually no harm. The system is also very quiet and smooth-running. Minimal wear and low power consumption are further benefits of the SST auger channel.
Robust protected mixer
The spur gear unit of the protected mixer requires no maintenance and experiences no wear. It is reliable and combines unusually high efficiency with great ease of movement. It thereby uses up to three quarters less energy than conventional solutions.
A surround protects the gear unit
The gear unit drives the mixer, compound springs and the entire auger. Unlike the usual setup, this is not attached directly to the floor but is supported by a protective surround. This protects the gear unit from the weight of the wood chip. We've fitted bend protection to the mixer's compound springs, which makes them much more robust than conventional compound springs.