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Subsidies in Salzburg

The province of Salzburg has set ambitious climate goals for itself and is promoting measures that contribute to achieving these goals. Renewable energies play a major role in this, especially in supplying heat to private households, but also to municipal buildings. In the Austrian province of Salzburg, the replacement of fossil boilers is being generously supported. You will receive high subsidies for switching to a climate-friendly heating system such as a pellet boiler or a pellet/wood dual fuel boiler, a wood chip heating system or a split log boiler with accumulator tank.

The Salzburg provincial subsidy is limited to a maximum of 35 per cent of the eligible investment costs and can be combined with the federal “Get away from Oil & Gas” subsidy and also municipal subsidies.

Pellet central heating systems
subsidy of up to €3,000
Wood chip central heating systems
subsidy of up to €4,500
Split log heating systems
up to €2,500 in subsidies

The most important steps for your subsidy

1/ Step: Submit an electronic application for subsidy

Before you order the heating system, you must first submit a application for subsidy, which can only be submitted online. If you would like to apply for the federal government's “Get away from Oil & Gas” bonus in addition to the Salzburg provincial subsidy, you can do so via the KPC portal.

2/ Step: Report completion

You must implement the project and forward all required settlement documents to the responsible office within 12 months after construction approval.


You can find out more information about provincial subsidies in Salzburg in our flyer or directly on the website of the funding agency

Any questions?
We are there for you!
Produktanfrage +43621223410

Additional subsidies

Receive attractive subsidies and heat your home with a domestic, environmentally friendly and permanently affordable fuel in the future.

To the subsidies overview
Subsidies in Salzburg